The Trend of Showing the Raw Ingredients on the Package
The trend towards more natural and old-fashioned design where the packaging shows the individual ingredients.

This design for Honey Bunny, a confectionery company in Kiev, Ukraine, is a good demonstration of the trend towards the natural and old-timey. It shows the ingredients and has plain brown paper bags to give it the feel of a mother-packed lunch or snack. The soft colors are a refreshing contrast to the hard digital world we live in.
In a time when people are concerned about chemicals in their food and much of packaging is taken up with long lists of ingredients that further reinforce this concern, showing the individual raw ingredients reduces this cold complexity to a simple picture of the natural foods in the product.
One of the major purposes of packaging in the 21st Century is to simplify the extremely complex decision to buy. This is a good example of a design trend to be furthered and followed.
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