BIG STEP 4: Nutella Finally Takes the Big One
Next in our BIG STEPS series on brands that are tossing out the rules, courageously taking risks and going for customer-centricity, here is Nutella’s new design.

Found on Pinterest, from the Design Diva herself, JoAnn Hines.
They kept the logo as a nod to consistency, but everything else, including the shape of the jar has been left behind. We applaud their courage and will use this as a further example for the companies in Eastern Europe that continue to be overly cautious and wary of the new thinking.

Two other variants from the Pinterest page.
Other than following the trend of BIG STEPS, this design has several Customer-Centric elements as well. There are different variants, one for morning, one for snacks, one for sharing, and so on. Furthermore, the package contains little cartoon images of the many ways the Nutella in the jar may be used, therefore aiding the consumer in their thinking, but also including them in the process by starting them off with ideas. The use the customer finally comes up with may not even be on the jar, but this design encourages or kick starts their thinking, and therefore it is more directed toward the individual and their unique uses. This is in effect a simple kind of infographic that helps reduce the complexity of the decision to buy. Compare this idea to the one from our post last week where the Ingredients on the Package serve as a form of infographic to inform the customer of the nature of the contents.

Lable as infographic to reduce complexity.
Another thing we cautiously applaud is that Nutella is now using 100% segregated palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in France. We hope this is just their test of the concept, and will soon spread to all regions. However we hope that some other more healthy oil might be around the corner.
Other than this move toward using sustainable ingredients, however, Nutella was still graded on as only a C, or 10 out of 22, “Reasonable, could be better” collectively on carbon emissions, environmental policy and fair trade. Next it would be nice to see a move to at least partial bio-plastics used in the jar, if not the whole jar.