A Better Business Model

If you associate the word "sustainability" with sacrifice, lower quality, limits on business, or longhaired unwashed environmentalists, then you are missing a huge opportunity for profit and free marketing
Sustainability is the intersection of treating people (Society), the environment (Ecology), and business (Economic viability), equitably.
Yes sustainability has a lot to do with protecting the environment, but it is NOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT, it is a business model that seeks to do what is best, and to protect, people, the environment and business, in equal portion, from the changes ahead. Just as if it harms people or the environment, if it does not make good business it is not sustainable.
It is a SOCIAL MOVEMENT about health, democracy and empowering people (freeing people, keeping them healthy, making sure they can earn fair and living wages, and giving them control of their lives) not only increases market sizes, but grows economies.
It is a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MODEL, that has been tried, tested, improved and implemented (Please see the Evidence and Related posts listed below)
It is a new and improved CAPITALISM. It is the 21st Century's improvement on the problems of 20th Century capitalism. Capitalism needs markets (people) and resources (environment), conserving and helping both of those aids the growth of capital.
It is being LEAD BY CAPITALISTS who have seen the future and are acting on it (see the Evidence and Related posts listed below)
It is about YOUR LIFE as you get older and YOUR CHILDREN'S LIVES. What social, ecological and business environment do you want to live out your older years in? Changes are happening ever more rapidly, environmental degradation and a rise in human inequality are no longer in the far future, they are here now and are increasing.

Sustainability is the intersection of interests, and by being considerate and equitable to all, it is good for all.

Evidence and Related Blog Posts:
> The Business Logic of Sustainability: Conscience + Sustainability = $489 Billion
> The New, New World: The Investment Logic for Sustainability
> Sustainability: Good for People, Good for Companies
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See: The Butterflies and Hurricanes Approach