How Design Live, 2015, An Overview

Here is a brief overview of whom we saw, what we saw, and the main themes of the HOW DESIGN LIVE congress – plus some great selfies in Chicago! More detailed posts about individual presentations will follow in the next few weeks.
Overall themes of the conference:
The extreme importance of visual storytelling and infographics for branding and design, especially in the attention-based economy.
Embracing rapid change and harnessing its power.
Sustainability and new packaging materials and processes.
Innovate or die: The elements necessary for innovation.
Design is everything. Design solves problems.

Some of the presentations were amazing, others were, well, nothing special. But the greatest thing was Chicago itself, no wonder it’s the second largest Czech city in the world. What a wonderful inspiring place!

What follows is a list of all the events we attended. In subsequent posts we will discuss and summarize the ones we found most interesting and important for our clients.

Michaela and Katarina attended these events together
M&K 1. Keynote, “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek, TED Talk speaker and author of Start With Why, and Leaders Eat Last. Topic: How great leaders inspire action.
M&K 2. On Packaging Design, “Packaging of Tomorrow” by Anna Glansen of Tomorrow Machine design agency in Sweden. Topic: Sustainability and exciting innovations in packaging materials.
M&K 3. Keynote, “Taking the Brand Outside” by Michaela Bierut, partner at Pentagram, and Robin Colangelo, Global Director of Creative Services at White & Case. Topic: Merging talents for a successful total brand update.

(See our post on Tomorrow Machine’s new materials, here.)
M&K 4. Keynote, “The Future of Design” by Karim Rashid of Karim Rashid, Inc. Topic: The necessity of bringing differentiation, innovation, and human needs and desires to companies.
M&K 5. On Design, “How Not 2 Suck at Presenting Your Work” by Megan Mead, UX Designer at Visa. Topic: Improving presentation performance with storytelling strategies and acting techniques.
M&K 5. Keynote, The Dieline Awards, in the Grand Ballroom. The 6th Annual Dieline Awards are a worldwide design competition recognizing the world's best consumer product packaging design.

Michaela also attended these events
M1. On Leadership, "There Can Always Be A First Time" by Steve Frykholm of Herman Miller. Topic: The elements you need in place in your organization to innovate, wisdom from 45 years in the biz.
M2. On Leadership, “Wanna Fika?”, by Peter Borowski of Kraft Foods. A case study for the launch of a coffee brand in Sweden. Topic: How to bring the art of story telling to life, leverage humor, and inspire.
M3. On Design, “Power of Visuals: Infographics and Storytelling” by John Meyer, co-founder and CEO of Lemonly. Topic: The power of visual storytelling, brand stories, and use of infographics in human communication.

M4. On Leadership, “Leading, Teaching an Inspiring the New Generation of Creative Nomads” by Petrula Vrontikis, professor at Art Center College of Design. Topic: Embracing the instability of rapid change to become a guiding force for the next generation of designers.
M5. On Packaging Design, “From A Blank Paper to a Craft” Ken Lo, design director at Blow. Topic: The continuing importance of paper in packaging desing.

M6. Keynote, “Make. Believe. Courage and Connection” by Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, research professor at the University of Houston. Topic: Story is the big picture, the process, and the research. Defining your story so it does not define you.
M7. On Management “Bossy Pants: Making the Transition from Designer to Design Leader” by Glenn John Arnowitz. Topic: The core competencies and skills needed to successfully manage projects, processes and lead a team of corporate creatives.

M8. On Leadership, “What Seat? What Table?” By Randy J. Hunt, creative director at Etsy. Topic: Design must have a seat at the table.
M9. On Design, “Why can Culture Be More Important than Your Creative?” by Justin Ahrens of Rule 29. Topic: Why a company's culture is potentially the most important element for success in the design industry.

Katarina also attended these events
K1. On Creative Business, “How to Spend $400,000 of Y $530,000 Billings” by Armin Vit, principal at UnderConsideration, LLC. Topic: Money and the true value of design.
K2. On Creative Business, “How to Make Hourly Pricing Work” by Rob Harr, ice president of Sparkbox. Topic: Pricing strategies and Negotiating with Larger firms.
K3. On Leadership, “Design in the Age of the Invisible Interface” by David Womack, Executive Creative Director, Mobile and Internet of Things at R/GA. Topic: Designing for the new landscape.

K4. On Management, “How to Pitch Persuasively” by Lisa Colantuano, co-president at AAR Partners. Topic: Becoming the center of attraction by engaging your audience through the power of story.
K5. On Packaging Desing, “The New Design Entrepreneur” by Angie Myung and Ted Vadakan, founders of Poketo. Topic: Thee new generation of design entrepreneurs, and taking the leap of faith.
K6. On Packaging Design, “Packaging Ideation Through Concept” by Ben Pham and Paul Miller, directors of strategy and design at Character. Topic: Packaging systems should signal as much about the brand as what's within.

K7. On Management, “Transform your Team into a Strategic, Brand Building Force” by Tim Cox, Director of Creative Services at Publix. Topic: Adding strategic value to strengthen brands.
K8. On Creative Business, “Providing Value Through Creative Business Solutions” by Douglas Davis, principal at The Davis Group, LLC. Topic: Identifying clients’ true needs, making creative recommendations, and finding the format most compatible with client objectives.

K9. On Management, “Increasing Influence In House” by Greg Sutter and Clinton Inselmann of State Farm. Topic: Changing everything from structure, processes and personnel to roles, responsibilities and expectations.
K610 Keynote, “Play By Your Own Rules” by Jessica Walsh, partner at Sagmeister & Walsh. Topic: Doing it your way to change the world.

Today's Chicago Woman Way

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