Great Design that Decreases Waste and Increases Convenience

The 2015 Dieline Awards for Sustainability went to Paperfoam Naturally Clicquot II. This packaging demonstrates the benefits to business, society and the environment, when producers work closely with designers with the goal of great design, sustainability and increased sales.
This packaging will keep a chilled bottle cool for 2 hours and the packaging is then recyclable in the paper recycling bin.
It was designed by PaperFoam BV in the Netherlands in close cooperation with Veuve Clicquot.
The key word here is COOPERATION: When producers work closely with designers, and especially with designers with an understanding of sustainability, and sustainable materials, the problems that can be solved, and the innovation that can take place is amazing. And everyone benefits: business, people, and the environment.

PaperFoam is made with industrial starch, which is bio-based and compostable. Below is another version of the design.

See the dieline’s post here.
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Other Posts on Sustainable packaging:
Innovations in Sustainable Packaging Design
The Dieline Digest 2: Our pick of things you need to see
Sustainability is NOT an Environmental Movement, It is a Better Business Model
The Business Logic of Sustainability: Conscience + Sustainability = $489 Billion