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CSR Snídaně: Udržitelný Design . . . THANK YOU!

This post is an expression of gratitude to Asociace Společenské Odpovědnosti "CSR Snídaně: Udržitelný Design", on January 22, 2017.

It is difficult for me to believe that just over two years ago — before I attended The Dieline conference in Paris where I first learned about the sustainable business model and all of its fascinating effects on the future of design — that I would someday soon be invited by the Asociace Společenské Odpovědnosti to share about what I have learned about, and what I have done with, sustainable design at the CSR breakfast.

Asociace společenské odpovědnosti

I am so grateful to have been invited and even more to be asked to speak and share. And I want to pledge that I will continue to work toward making thinking, design and business in this country more generous, responsible, and sustainable.

(You can read the article describing the CSR breakfast in Czech here.)

Asociace společenské odpovědnosti

We are truly living in amazing and dynamic times. That they are so dynamic also means they are precarious, even dangerous, times — especially when you consider the rise of oligarchy, nationalism, xenophobia, racism, selfishness, and environmental degradation around the world — but I believe in the goodness of people and the amazing potential of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs to put the sustainability model into practice.

Asociace společenské odpovědnosti

I not only believe, but have seen, that putting sustainability into practice through developing CSR programs, can not only decrease costs and increase profits, but also to improve the lives of people and protect the environment for our children.

Asociace společenské odpovědnosti

Asociace společenské odpovědnosti

You can read the article describing the CSR breakfast in Czech here.




Úspěch! Zpráva odeslána.

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