New Butterflies on our Hurricane Team

We are so thankful to our clients for all the wonderful projects, and because of the new work we have had to grow. In this post we want to introduce new and valued members of our Butterflies & Hurricanes team.
Here are our new team members, some newer than others, but all are valuable members of our team that bring a lot to the table to make Butterflies & Hurricanes the most creative and dynamic packaging design and branding studio in central Europe.

Jana Drnková (Designer, Czech Republic) Her motto: “Do what you love, love what you do!”

Tereza Stará (Client Services, Czech Republic) Her motto: “Když se Vám práce stane zábavou...”

Alexandra Chagina (Designer, Russia). Her motto: “Explore, experiment, create!”

Martin Červenka (DTP operator, Czech Republic). His motto: "Keep smiling."

Jana Wrightová (Designer, Czech Republic) "Baví mě pracovat v inspirujícím prostředí."

Hanna Skald (intern designer from Sweden): "What I like best at B&H is the atmosphere, it's nice and friendly, and I am learning a lot during my time I'm here".
The Point: It takes good people to make a good team, and at B&H we are thankful that the good people keep coming to us! We are grateful, and hope to give back as much as we have gotten, more if possible.